How Does a Plumber’s Snake Work?

Everyone gets a drain-clog from time to time, and usually, they are not challenging to clear. Typically, you use some Drain-O or a plunger, and it’s okay, but sometimes that isn’t enough! That is where a plumber’s snake comes in. If you have a terrible drain-clog, a plumber’s snake should be the thing that you try before calling us in! So, what exactly is a plumber’s snake? What is a Plumber’s Snake? A plumber’s snake, also known as a drain auger, is a long, slender metal coil with what looks like an uncoiled spring at the end. When uncoiled all the way, a plumber’s snake can be nearly 50 feet in length. It is a tool that you put down the drain to clear a severe blockage. However, there is the risk that a plumber’s snake can damage your pipes. If you misuse it, it can wear down the inside walls of the pipes and even cause leaks. So, knowing how they work is incredibly important. How Do Plumber’s Snakes Work? Put on some safety equipment – Make sure you put on some rubber gloves, goggles, and some clothes that you do not mind getting dirty. The gloves and goggles are especially important if you used any sort of chemical drain cleaner before. Start inserting the plumber’s snake – When you do this, be sure to do it slowly. Inserting the auger end too fast or with too much force can damage the drain and pipes. While you only have to go a few inches into the pipe, it sometimes takes a few tries. Start Cranking – As you crank the handle, the snake will uncoil and extend deeper down the pipe. Rotate it at a consistent pace. Once you feel like you are hitting something, you have found the obstruction.Get ready to remove the obstruction – After you feel like you are hitting something, crank the auger a little further so that it either breaks up the clog or grabs ahold of it. However, if you hear scraping sounds, that means that the auger is hitting the pipe. Make sure you readjust if this happens, or you could risk damaging the pipe.Remove the Snake & Obstruction – At this point, you should have the obstruction either caught in the auger or broken up. Begin cranking the handle the opposite direction to coil the drain snake back up. Usually,...
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How to Find a Hidden Water Leak Inside A Wall

Water damage in your home is one of the most expensive repairs that a homeowner can tackle. The repairs can easily cost thousands of dollars, and the scary part is, you might not even know there is damage until it is too late! Causes of the issue like floods, sewage backup, or burst pipes are apparent to the naked eye, but others are harder to see until they have already caused a significant amount of damage. The most common culprit that Bird Dog Plumbing sees in Longview, Texas, is, by far, a hidden water leak inside the walls. Water Leaks Inside Walls There are a few things that cause water leaks inside your walls: Burst pipes are one of the most common causes of leaks inside of walls. These generally occur within exterior walls, during the wintertime. Remember to drip your faucets when it is below freezing!The older the pipes are, the more susceptible pipes become to damage. On top of that, houses that are at least 50 or 60 years old generally do not have pipes that are made from a durable material like modern dwellings do. If you are in a home that is more than 20 years old, make sure you keep an eye on your plumbing system and consider getting the house repiped. Weak plumbing is much more susceptible to leaks. If the plumbing system is not installed correctly or made up of inferior parts, the weight of the house makes it much more vulnerable to damage. Over time, all that weight will cause the pipes to crumble. No matter the cause, it is VITAL that you know how to spot the signs early. The longer the pipes leaks, the more money you will be forced to spend on repairs. Over time, the leaks rot the studs in the wall. Rotting studs cause structural damage to your home, on top of the water damage to the flooring, insulation, and walls. Signs of Damage Spotting the signs of damage sooner rather than later makes the difference between $1000 in repairs and $10,000 in repairs. Even though the leaks happen inside the walls, the issues are evident relatively quickly if you know where to look. Staining – Stains on your sheetrock or drywall are a tell-tale sign that there is a leak. Stains that continue to grow are a pretty good indication that there is a leak...
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When Should You Replace Your Water Heater?

Knowing the correct time to replace your water heater is something every Longview homeowner needs to know. Water heater failures are one of the most expensive incidents that a homeowner can pay for. In fact, the water damage that results from a water heater failure can cost an average of $4,444 to repair. However, these costly repairs are avoidable. If you know the signs to look for you will know when to replace your water heater before it is too late. Signs Your Water Heater Is Getting Old: Age – In general, most water heaters in East Texas last about 6-12 years. Your water heater may seem like it is working after that 12 years, however, it is much more likely to break and cause more damage. Another way that you can tell your water heater is getting a little bit too old is if it is no longer producing hot water at adequate levels.Rusty Water – Discolored water is one of the most clear-cut signs that something is wrong with your plumbing system. Figuring out where the rust is coming from is vital for the health of your household. If you see rust around the water inlet or pressure valves there is a good chance the rusty water is because of an issue with your water heater. It can be assumed that rust around the water inlet or pressure valves means there is also rust inside the tank. If not found soon enough, the rust can eventually eat through the tank and cause expensive leaks. Noise – The louder your water heater gets, the closer it is to a major issue. Typically, sediment buildup is the cause of a noisy water heater. The sediment forms as water is heated and then reheated in the tank. The sediment not only causes a loud rumbling sound but makes it take longer for your water to heat up. The longer it takes for your water to heat up, the more brittle the metal tank becomes, which increases the likelihood of cracks forming Signs Your Water Heater NEEDS Replacement Leaks – If your water heater is leaking, it needs to be replaced right away. As your water heater ages, the likelihood of you finding water around your heater increases greatly. The older the water heater, the longer it will take to adequately heat your water supply. This extra time causes the metal...
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4 Most Common Summer Plumbing Problems

Spending time with family and friends in the summer truly makes it one of the best times of the year! However, for all the fun that Summer brings, it can also bring plenty of plumbing problems. We have seen many summers since we have been in business in Longview, and here are some of the summer plumbing issues to keep in mind. 4 Common Summer Plumbing Problems Clogged Toilets – Clogged toilets can happen at any time of the year, but in summer, your toilets deal with much more usage. With kids home all summer, guests in town for a summer experience in Longview, it is essential to remind everyone to use toilet paper wisely and remember to flush after every visit.Clogged Garbage Disposals – Like toilets, garbage disposals see tons of extra use in the summer. With all the fun family cookouts and pool days, there is always a lot of leftover food, and some of it finds its way into the garbage disposal. Washing Machine Problems- You’ve probably noticed a trend at this point. The extra loads that washing machines have to handle in the summer can take a toll! All that additional work puts lots of strain on the hoses and can cause them to break. Broken hoses lead to extensive, expensive water damage. One solution is to replace your washing machine hoses if they look worn, preferably with stainless steel versions. Slow-Draining Showers – Shower drains can get clogged up by all the sand and dirt that our bodies pick up from the lake and beach in the summertime! The easiest way to prevent this is to make sure you rinse off outside before getting into the shower. Contact Bird Dog Plumbing in Longview, TX Make sure that you keep an eye on your plumbing this summer! Major plumbing issues can put a frustrating halt to your summer plans. Luckily, many of the problems we mentioned are preventable. We understand that things do happen, so when they do, we are here to help! Our team of plumbers in Longview will be there to get everything working the way it is supposed to. For more information on Bird Dog Plumbing, or if you need us to come out and take a look at your plumbing issue, contact us...
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How to Prevent Sink Clogs

Dealing with sink clogs is a hassle. Here is how you can avoid them! Sink clogs are an incredibly frustrating problem for all homeowners. Nearly everyone has dealt with a clogged sink at some point, and the first question they always ask is “How did that happen?” Over our 13 years of experience, we have seen more clogged drains than you can imagine. Bird Dog Plumbing knows what causes them, how to prevent them, and most certainly, how to clear them.  If you have a clogged drain, we will be happy to come out and take a look at it for you, but here are some ways that you can prevent those clogs from happening in the first place.   Preventing Kitchen sink clogs Grease- Never, EVER, pour grease down a drain. Even small amounts will build up over time and eventually cause a clog. Instead, pour the liquid grease into a sealable, disposable container, to be thrown out once it is full. Coffee Grounds- Like grease, coffee grounds need to stay out of the drain. They will build up over time and cause severe clogs and problems later on.Avoid Putting troublesome foods down the drain (with disposal) – Anything that your disposal cannon easily grind up, should not go down the drain. Some examples are banana peels, eggshells, potato skins, or bones.Run cold water while using the disposal – Running cold water while using the disposal helps ensure all of the waste is washed out of the disposal and through the system.Avoid putting any food down the drain (no disposal) – If you do not have a disposal, you should never pour food down your drain. Instead, use a removable drain strainer.Use hot water once a week. About once a week, slowly pour hot or boiling water down your drain. This will help melt away any grease or sticky foods that could be building up in your drain.   Preventing bathroom sink clogs Clean stoppers – Make sure you frequently clean your drain stoppers in your sink. The stoppers catch lots of hair, soap, and other nasty gunk that can eventually clog your sink. So every few months, remove the stopper and clean it. At this point, you know everything that you need to know to keep your drains clean. However, sometimes no matter what you do, you still get that clog. If that happens, that is where...
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