How to Maintain your Plumbing Throughout a Longview Winter

Plumbers Longview TXWinter can wreak havoc on your pipes if you aren’t careful… but you can help protect your home from the elements. What can you do to prevent plumbing horrors this winter?

Clean your gutters. Clogged gutters can cause water overflow or even freezing issues.
Keep it heated. Your home should not be so cold that the temperature is near freezing.
Check on your water heater. This is the most important component to keep safe this winter.
Insulate your pipes. Avoid the effects of the elements with an extra layer of protection.

For the best plumbers in Longview, Texas, let Bird Dog Plumbing help you! For plumbing inquiries, call 903-225-2272 or visit

Plumbers Longview TX
Bird Dog Plumbing LLC
2206 Balsam St
Longview, Texas 75605