Top Plumbing and Leaking Tips for the Autumn Months in Longview TX

It may seem hard to believe, but the autumn months are just around the corner. As the cooler weather approaches, it’s a good idea to take care of some plumbing maintenance tasks to prevent as many plumbing issues as possible during the fall season. Garden Hose Storage It’s time to put your garden hoses away until next spring. Be sure to drain your hoses before you store them in your garage. First, disconnect the hose from the outdoor faucet. Once the disconnection is complete, empty any remaining water out of it. Water left in the hose can freeze over the winter causing cracks and holes in the hose material. Wind the hose up neatly and store it in your garage. Hose Bibb Disconnection You may be wondering what a hose bibb does. This device is the outside spigot that allows water to run into your garden hose. It is important to turn the bibb off properly to avoid any leaking problems that may arise from freezing temperatures over the winter. Be sure to turn the bibb in a clockwise motion until the water flow is completely shut off. Sewer System Inspection During the autumn months, your sewer system can become overworked. The excess precipitation during the fall can cause problems around your sewer line. Make sure no way standing water can create a problem in your yard. Comprehensive Water Heater Maintenance You can extend the life of the water heater in your home by simply scheduling an annual maintenance checkup. The lifespan of most water heaters is between eight and twelve years. However, you can increase the lifespan by having your heater flushed regularly. A flush of your water heater can help you save money on your monthly utility bills by making the heater work more efficiently. Schedule a water heater maintenance inspection and maintenance appointment with a reputable plumbing company in your area. Sump Pump Inspection Prolonged periods of rain and wind tend to take place during the autumn months. This type of weather can force your sump pump to work harder. Be sure to have your sump pump inspected by a professional to ensure that it is well-maintained and operating correctly. The last thing you’ll want during the colder months is to have your sump pump to stop working and end up with a basement full of water. For more information on plumbing and leaking problems in...
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4 Signs Your Foundation Problems Are Caused By Leaking Pipes

Under slab, leaking pipes in Longview, TX are a major cause of foundation problems. The leaking pipes can penetrate the soil under your home causing foundation movement. The good news is that the damage to your foundation can be minimized if you are able to detect a leak early by recognizing common signs and indicators that you have a leak. Here are 4 warning signs that you have an under slab leak: Unusually high water bills...
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Understanding and Preventing Leaking Pipes and Slab Leaks

To prevent leaking pipes that can lead to overwhelming slab leaks, you need to understand the plumbing of your home. Signs of water damage are easy to see, but once this damage has occurred, restoration can be costly and stressful. Thankfully, your plumber can help you understand how to prevent leaks at home. Understanding Slab Leaks A large series of pipes are located under the foundation of your home. These pipes are essential for moving water and waste to and from your home. Over time, certain issues may cause these pipes to leak, resulting in a slab leak. Signs of Slab Leaks Since the pipes are under the home’s foundation, you will not be able to notice the leaks at first. However, you will see a few signs: Increased Water Bill – If there is a sudden increase in your water bill even though you are not using extra water, you most likely have an underlying leak that you should address and have a professional check out. Decreased Water Pressure – Leaking pipes under your foundation may also lower the water pressure in your home. This change in water pressure may occur over time with a slow leak, or the decreased pressure may begin suddenly. Visible Water and Water Damage – Lastly, if you notice damage to your first floor walls or floors, there may be a leak under the foundation. Also, puddling water around the home is a sign of a leak. Preventing Slab Leaks Protecting your home from water leaks is possible, but you may not know where to begin. Avoid using excessive amounts of chemicals to clean your drains. These chemicals may seem like smart options for removing clogs, but the toxic chemicals can be too harsh for your drains and pipes. Many of these chemicals corrode pipes over time, increasing the risk of leaks. You should also adjust the pressure coming out of your faucets and showerheads. Higher amounts of water pressure running through narrow pipes cause stress in your plumbing. This extra pressure and stress can lead to corrosion and leaks. Lastly, consider having your water tested to help reduce leaks. If pH levels are too low or too high, the water may have a corrosive effect on your plumbing. Over time, this corrosion may lead to plumbing leaks. With proper understanding and the help of a plumbing contractor, you can diagnose and repair...
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