Why You’ll Need Water Leak Repair Service for a Leak Under Your Home

A leak under your home is more than just a hassle; it can cause property damage and even health problems for residents. Although repairing kitchen sink and toilet leaks can present a challenge, perhaps the most challenging leak to fix is one that erupts underneath your home. Also called slab leaks, these potential disasters occur when plumbing supply lines or drainage pipes under the foundation break or leak. Over time, pressure causes pipes to become corroded and weak, and water begins to spill out. Fixing this type of issue is not for amateurs and seeking the help of a water leak repair service professional is typically best. Finding the Leak Before the physical signs of a leaky pipe appear, homeowners typically suspect something is wrong when they see a dramatic increase in their water bills. A costlier bill means something in your home is using more water than usual. If you aren’t aware of a reason for the extra use, chances are, you have a hidden water leak. Look for water spots in the concrete of your bottom floor. If you have another type of flooring, you may notice bubbling or warping, as well. These are all signs that water has been present long enough to cause some significant damage. You can also feel for warm spots in your floor by walking around barefoot. You might additionally hear the sound of gushing water underneath of you. If you detect either of these, it’s a safe bet you’ve found the leak. Repairing the Leak Professionals have two options when it comes to repairing leaky pipes under a home. The easiest and least expensive method is to drill a few holes in the concrete where the water is suspected so they can identify the damaged area of the pipe. A water repair specialist will then apply a sealant to the affected spot of the pipe. Once it’s dry, it should prevent additional water from escaping the pipes. Unfortunately, this isn’t an option for every pipe, particularly if it is heavily damaged. If that’s the case, another option is to replace the faulty piping. As you might imagine, this is far more invasive and costly but is sometimes the only practical method. Bird Dog Plumbing in Longview, TX, provides water leak repair service, as well as all of your plumbing needs. Learn how we can fix your home by calling 903-225-2272 or visiting https://birddogplumbingllc.com/ today!...
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How to Discover the Quickest Water Leak Detection in Longview, Texas

You think you may have a water leak – what should you do? The first thing to do is check your meter. Call a billing department for its location. Check if your meter dial is moving. If it is, you likely have a water leak. Make sure no water is running at the time you check. If there is water running, find the shut-off valve. Call a plumber to assess and fix the damage immediately. For a plumber you can trust with water leak detection in Longview, Texas, let Bird Dog Plumbing help! Call 903-225-2272 or visit https://birddogplumbingllc.com/. Bird Dog Plumbing | Water Leak Detection Longview TX...
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4 Helpful Water Leak Detection Tips to Prevent Damage to Your Home

You may enjoy a high-pressure shower in the morning, but setting your water pressure too high can have negative effects on your plumbing system. This can make it prone to water leaks and the need for water leak detection in Longview, TX. Here are 4 helpful tips to lowering your costs and preventing water leaks in your home: Use a water pressure gauge to test your water pressure Have a regulator installed and set it for between 55-75 psi Replace old tube water supply lines with steel braided supply lines Use quarter turn ball valves when replacing old shutoff valves that don’t work Save yourself from the worry of a water leak when you aren’t expecting it. Call Bird Dog Plumbing today at (903) 225-2272 or visit us online at https://birddogplumbingllc.com/. Water Leak Detection Longview TXBird Dog Plumbing LLC2206 Balsam StLongview, Texas...
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Keep Your Plumbing from Flooding Your Home with Water Leak Detection

When your plumbing fails, stopping the water damage is nearly impossible. Photo albums, wooden floors, and beloved furniture are all things an unexpected flood can ruin in the blink of an eye. There are preventive measures you can take to avoid water damage from plumbing leaks. Whether it be basement protection or a plumbing inspection, gaining advice from water leak detection in Longview, TX experts maybe the answer to saving your time, money, and your home treasures. When it comes to the pipes in your house, there are six things to do to prepare for the possibility of flooding: Are your electric panels above flood lines? If your pipes were to leak, it’s important to know where your electrical boxes and circuit breakers are. If they are above damage lines, this will help you to understand how you plumbing leaks will affect your power. This way, a bit of damage won’t control the electricity that runs the rest of your house. Where are your big electrical machines? Furnaces, heaters, washers, dryers, and other large machines should be in a place that protects them from potential flood damage. If you think your machines may be at risk or in an area that may flood, testing for water leak detection may be your best bet for your safety. Do you have insurance? Flood damage may not seem like a high priority in Texas, but many homeowners insurance policies cover plumbing and electrical system. Knowing what your insurance offers will help you to understand what they can do for you if your plumber fixes a water leakage. Does your sewer system have a back flow valve? Water entering your house is a nightmare itself, but adding sewage to the situation is more than anyone wants to handle. Know that your sewage has a backup valve in case of a flood to save your home from a horrible situation. If you don’t have a back flow valve, it only takes one call to your Longview plumber to ensure a dry house. Has your home had a thorough inspection? Often, a small leak in your plumbing can be the factor that causes the biggest damage to your house and your wallet. If you are unsure about the safety of your pipes, hiring a plumber to inspect for water leak detection can offer you answers and advice to your water damage questions. Prepare for and even prevent flooding due to...
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3 Steps to Take Before Calling a Water Leak Repair Service

Determining if you have a water leak can be tricky, but by locating the leak you can expedite the fix by calling a water leak repair service in Longview, TX. The best way to determine if you have a leak in your plumbing system is by first checking your water meter. Here are the 3 steps to use your water meter to check for leaks:  Assure no water is being used inside or outside your home.  Check to see if the leak indicator is moving. If it’s moving, you probably have a leak.  Alternatively, take a meter reading, wait for 1 to 2 hours, take another reading to see if it changes. If you see a change, you have a leak. Let the specialists at Bird Dog Plumbing help minimize the damage from an unrepaired water leak. Call us today at (903)225-2272 or visit us online at https://birddogplumbingllc.com/. Water Leak Repair Service Longview TXBird Dog Plumbing LLC2206 Balsam StLongview, Texas...
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