4 Destructive Outcomes of a Small Leak Without Water Leak Detection

Water Leak Detection Longview TXA small water leak may seem like a minor problem, but without proper water leak detection in Longview, TX, it can lead to some hefty financial and health complications. Some of the potential problems a small, hidden water leak can lead to are:

  • Increased water bill costs
  • Fungal growth in walls and floors can cause health complications
  • Structural problems from water-saturated wood
  • Breeding ground for insects and mites

Having your home consistently checked by a professional for all leaks, even the small ones, can save a lot of future issues. Give Bird Dog Plumbing a call today at (903) 225-2272 to have your property thoroughly inspected. Or visit us online at https://birddogplumbingllc.com/ for more information.

Water Leak Detection Longview TX
Bird Dog Plumbing LLC
2206 Balsam St
Longview, Texas 75605