When Should You Replace Your Water Heater?

Knowing the correct time to replace your water heater is something every Longview homeowner needs to know. Water heater failures are one of the most expensive incidents that a homeowner can pay for. In fact, the water damage that results from a water heater failure can cost an average of $4,444 to repair. However, these costly repairs are avoidable. If you know the signs to look for you will know when to replace your water heater before it is too late. Signs Your Water Heater Is Getting Old: Age – In general, most water heaters in East Texas last about 6-12 years. Your water heater may seem like it is working after that 12 years, however, it is much more likely to break and cause more damage. Another way that you can tell your water heater is getting a little bit too old is if it is no longer producing hot water at adequate levels.Rusty Water – Discolored water is one of the most clear-cut signs that something is wrong with your plumbing system. Figuring out where the rust is coming from is vital for the health of your household. If you see rust around the water inlet or pressure valves there is a good chance the rusty water is because of an issue with your water heater. It can be assumed that rust around the water inlet or pressure valves means there is also rust inside the tank. If not found soon enough, the rust can eventually eat through the tank and cause expensive leaks. Noise – The louder your water heater gets, the closer it is to a major issue. Typically, sediment buildup is the cause of a noisy water heater. The sediment forms as water is heated and then reheated in the tank. The sediment not only causes a loud rumbling sound but makes it take longer for your water to heat up. The longer it takes for your water to heat up, the more brittle the metal tank becomes, which increases the likelihood of cracks forming Signs Your Water Heater NEEDS Replacement Leaks – If your water heater is leaking, it needs to be replaced right away. As your water heater ages, the likelihood of you finding water around your heater increases greatly. The older the water heater, the longer it will take to adequately heat your water supply. This extra time causes the metal...
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4 Most Common Summer Plumbing Problems

Spending time with family and friends in the summer truly makes it one of the best times of the year! However, for all the fun that Summer brings, it can also bring plenty of plumbing problems. We have seen many summers since we have been in business in Longview, and here are some of the summer plumbing issues to keep in mind. 4 Common Summer Plumbing Problems Clogged Toilets – Clogged toilets can happen at any time of the year, but in summer, your toilets deal with much more usage. With kids home all summer, guests in town for a summer experience in Longview, it is essential to remind everyone to use toilet paper wisely and remember to flush after every visit.Clogged Garbage Disposals – Like toilets, garbage disposals see tons of extra use in the summer. With all the fun family cookouts and pool days, there is always a lot of leftover food, and some of it finds its way into the garbage disposal. Washing Machine Problems- You’ve probably noticed a trend at this point. The extra loads that washing machines have to handle in the summer can take a toll! All that additional work puts lots of strain on the hoses and can cause them to break. Broken hoses lead to extensive, expensive water damage. One solution is to replace your washing machine hoses if they look worn, preferably with stainless steel versions. Slow-Draining Showers – Shower drains can get clogged up by all the sand and dirt that our bodies pick up from the lake and beach in the summertime! The easiest way to prevent this is to make sure you rinse off outside before getting into the shower. Contact Bird Dog Plumbing in Longview, TX Make sure that you keep an eye on your plumbing this summer! Major plumbing issues can put a frustrating halt to your summer plans. Luckily, many of the problems we mentioned are preventable. We understand that things do happen, so when they do, we are here to help! Our team of plumbers in Longview will be there to get everything working the way it is supposed to. For more information on Bird Dog Plumbing, or if you need us to come out and take a look at your plumbing issue, contact us...
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How to Prevent Sink Clogs

Dealing with sink clogs is a hassle. Here is how you can avoid them! Sink clogs are an incredibly frustrating problem for all homeowners. Nearly everyone has dealt with a clogged sink at some point, and the first question they always ask is “How did that happen?” Over our 13 years of experience, we have seen more clogged drains than you can imagine. Bird Dog Plumbing knows what causes them, how to prevent them, and most certainly, how to clear them.  If you have a clogged drain, we will be happy to come out and take a look at it for you, but here are some ways that you can prevent those clogs from happening in the first place.   Preventing Kitchen sink clogs Grease- Never, EVER, pour grease down a drain. Even small amounts will build up over time and eventually cause a clog. Instead, pour the liquid grease into a sealable, disposable container, to be thrown out once it is full. Coffee Grounds- Like grease, coffee grounds need to stay out of the drain. They will build up over time and cause severe clogs and problems later on.Avoid Putting troublesome foods down the drain (with disposal) – Anything that your disposal cannon easily grind up, should not go down the drain. Some examples are banana peels, eggshells, potato skins, or bones.Run cold water while using the disposal – Running cold water while using the disposal helps ensure all of the waste is washed out of the disposal and through the system.Avoid putting any food down the drain (no disposal) – If you do not have a disposal, you should never pour food down your drain. Instead, use a removable drain strainer.Use hot water once a week. About once a week, slowly pour hot or boiling water down your drain. This will help melt away any grease or sticky foods that could be building up in your drain.   Preventing bathroom sink clogs Clean stoppers – Make sure you frequently clean your drain stoppers in your sink. The stoppers catch lots of hair, soap, and other nasty gunk that can eventually clog your sink. So every few months, remove the stopper and clean it. At this point, you know everything that you need to know to keep your drains clean. However, sometimes no matter what you do, you still get that clog. If that happens, that is where...
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When should Homeowners Repipe Their Homes

Dealing with your home’s plumbing can be a pricey and complicated task. That is why it is important that homeowners understand what actually needs fixing, and what can wait. At Bird Dog Plumbing, we always want our customers to understand this distinction. When it comes to plumbing repairs, the one that every homeowner dreads even thinking about is pipe replacement. Re-piping a house can be expensive, so know when it is actually needed is important. Especially when it involves replacing more than one or two leaky pipes. There are a couple of different aspects to consider when it comes to major plumbing repairs:    Age of the House:  The general rule of thumb when it comes to pipes is that they need to be replaced if your home was built before 1970. If the home still has original pipes, they are probably made out of out-dated metals. Many of these metals corrode quicker, so replacing saves money, and also helps make sure your water is clean. Having this done also adds value to the house.    The Telltale Signs: When taking a look at your home’s plumbing, there are a few tell-tale signs that signal it being time to get your home repiped. Noisy Pipes: If your pipes are making banging or squeaking noises, that is a pretty good sign that they need to be replaced. This is typically a sign that the pipes have warped or are corroding.Corrosion or Rust on Pipes: Checking your pipes for corrosion can be difficult, especially if they are difficult to access, but this is one of the easiest ways to see if your pipes need to be replaced.Leaky Pipes: The most clear-cut sign of pipes needing replacement is a leak. If your pipes are leaking, especially if it is in more than one area, it is time to replace them. Leaking pipes not only mean you are wasting water, but leaks can also cause water damage to the areas surrounding the pipe over time. Water Discoloration: If the color of your water has a reddish or brown tint, that is a sign that your pipes are rusty. Off-Smelling/tasting Water: Similar to discoloration, bad-smelling/tasting water is another sign that the pipes are rusting and need to be replaced.Water Pressure Problems: If you notice a significant decrease in water pressure, or if you have an older home and it was never that good, to begin with,...
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Should I Buy a Solar-Powered Water heater?

It is important to sort out the truth from the myth when it comes to making a purchase and commitment as big as a solar hot water heater.  Solar energy is a fast-growing form of energy collection for homes across the Longview, TX area. This is leading many people who already have solar-powered homes, or are looking into making the switch, to wonder “should I buy a solar water heater?” There are quite a few misconceptions when it comes to buying hot water heaters, and it is important to sort out the truth from the myth when it comes to making a purchase and commitment as big as a solar hot water heater. Price: While not so much a misconception, it needs to be understood that solar water heaters are by far the most expensive type of water heater. They typically cost upwards of $3000 in installation costs. Energy Costs: Solar water heaters are the absolute best way to save money on your hot water bills. Solar water heaters have the potential to decrease a household’s carbon footprint by at least 50%. Colder areas: In areas that have the potential to freeze from time to time, (North Texas) heaters will need an anti-freeze system installed. Another additional cost upfront. Home location: The location of your home is extremely important when deciding if your home would be a good candidate for solar water heating. Making sure you live in a location that gets relatively consistent sun is important. In our area, the main concern would be houses that have a lot of large shady trees. Bad Weather: Typically, another upfront cost is a backup energy supply. This will come in handy if you have an extended period of cloudy, bad weather. Maintenance costs: Since solar water heaters are so complicated, the water heaters require much more maintenance. If you think a solar water heater is right for you, or have any more questions, please contact the expert Longview plumbers at Bird Dog Plumbing. Our technicians are always ready to help find the water heater that fits your household’s...
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What Type of Water Heater is Right For Me?

When your water heater is starting to reach the end of its life cycle, many customers have a hard time figuring out which type of water heater is right for them when they need a replacement. There are many different types of water heaters which makes this such a daunting task. Luckily the Longview plumbers at Bird Dog Plumbing are here to help make your search as simple as possible! Fuel Types One of the first things to consider when selecting a water heater is what type of fuel will be used to power it. The two most common types are Gas –  Gas is used to heat most conventional forms of water heaters. It is widely available and has a relatively low energy cost. Gas also re-heat very quickly. This really comes in handy if you have a large family and know that multiple people will be using hot water at the same time. Electricity –  Like Gas, one of the major pros of electricity is that it is widely available. A major pro is that it does not have really any of the safety concerns that come with using a gas system. Electric water heaters are also smaller and easier to connect. Typically electric water heaters work best for smaller households. They are slightly slower at heating up water, and use more energy; so using them if you use lots of hot water is not super economical. Types of Water Heaters There are a lot of different types of water heaters. This is why figuring out which one fits your house best is so difficult. However, knowing which kind of fuel you are going to use narrows down the options. Here are some of the most common types of water heaters: Storage– Storage water heaters are probably the most common, and the ones that everyone pictures when they think about water heaters. They are basically large tanks that hold hot water from the top and heats up the cold water at the bottom. The biggest pros of theses are that they are so inexpensive to purchase. They are also really good for households that use lots of hot water at the same time. However, they waste a lot of energy due to the fact that they are always on standby. Tankless– Tankless water heaters are also known as demand-type or instantaneous water heaters. This type of heater...
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