Restaurant Drain Clog Longview TX: Keep Your Restaurant Drains Clog-Free

restaurant drain clog longview txIf you are a restaurant owner, you want to keep your customers coming in but when your drains are clogged, you could be driving them away.  A restaurant drain clog Longview TX can mean foul odors, flies and health code violations that will make your restaurant unappetizing.  It can also mean that you’ll have to close your restaurant to have your clog repaired, which means additional lost revenue.  At Bird Dog Plumbing, we know how to handle a restaurant drain clog Longview TX.  Visit to learn more about us.  Then call us at 903-225-2272 for help.  There is no extra charge for Saturday work.

restaurant drain clog longview tx
Bird Dog Plumbing LLC
2206 Balsam St
Longview, Texas 75605