Dealing With a Clogged Drain in Longview, TX The Easy Way

If you want to try to unclog a drain by yourself, there are ways to do this. You may even have the products necessary right in your kitchen cabinets. Pour a generous amount of baking soda into the clogged drain. Then add about a cup of white vinegar. Let it sit there for several minutes. Once you notice the mixture begin to fizz, pour some hot water into the drain to flush out the clog. If you feel the clog is super stubborn, boil the water first before pouring it in. For more help with a clogged drain in Longview, TX call Bird Dog Plumbing so that you’ll never need to deal with a clogged drain again. Clogged Drain Longview TXBird Dog Plumbing LLC2206 Balsam StLongview, Texas...
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When to Call a Plumber in Longview, TX For Your Washing Machine

Calling a plumber might be the last thing you think about on a daily basis. However, to prevent damages due to washing machine flooding, you might need to contact a plumber. Check your washing machine hoses every couple months or so to look for cracks, obvious leaks and other deformities. Change these hoses when you notice that there might be a problem or a potential problem. At the very least change them about every 5 years. If you don’t feel comfortable changing the hoses yourself, call a plumber in Longview, TX to take care of it for you. Plumber Longview TXBird Dog Plumbing LLC2206 Balsam StLongview, Texas...
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Out of Sight, Out of Mind? 5 Signs You Need Gas Leak Repair Service

Cleaning and furnishing your home may be priorities, but making sure your home does not require a gas leak repair service is imperative for your family’s safety and health. In just the last 3 years, an estimated 3 deaths and 1,000 injuries were related to gas. Since gas is invisible, you may consider the gas to be out of sight and out of your mind. Unfortunately, this belief can be very dangerous. Here are 5 common signs that you have a gas leak at home. Rotten Egg Odor A periodic foul odor in your home is normal. However, if you notice an odor that is similar to rotten eggs, it is most likely due to a slow gas leak. Utility companies add sulfur to natural gas for a reason. If a leak occurs, the sulfur creates the rotten egg smell, alerting you of the leak and ensuring you receive a gas leak repair service efficiently. Fast repair is essential since the gas and sulfur could combine with electrical sources. If this interaction takes place, there will most likely be a fire or explosion. Health Problems A slow gas leak will also affect you and your family’s health. You may not even realize these health problems are related to an exposure to gas, but they can be very dangerous. Here are a few health problems that may develop due to gas exposure: Headaches Nausea Fatigue Depression Chest Pain Breathing Difficulty Dizziness Itchy, Watery Eyes Skin Irritation Ringing In the Ears Nose Bleeds If you are suffering from one or more of the above issues, consult your doctor immediately. In addition, contact a professional to test your home for gas leaks. Dead Landscaping If gas is leaking around your home, it can affect your grass, trees, flowers, and shrubs. Gas will block the plant’s source of oxygen in the air, causing it to discolor and eventually die. If dead plants and vegetation is surrounded by green and healthy landscaping elements, you probably have a gas leak outside your home. Bubbles In Puddles You may have some standing water around your home due to a recent rain or excess moisture. This standing water should not have any movement. If you notice bubbles in the standing puddles of water, it could be due to the presence of gas. Hissing Noises A hissing sound coming from gas appliances, a gas fireplace, or near the tanks...
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Commercial Plumbing Company TX Reveals Common Leaky Faucet Causes

As a business owner, you have enough worries, and commercial plumbing in Longview, TX shouldn’t be one of them. One of the most common troubles that plague business owners are leaky faucets, whether they are slow drips or major problems that have caused flooding and damage. Either way, wasted water and the damage it can create can result in owners spending thousands of dollars. Leaky faucets are one of the plumbing problems that occur most often, and knowing why they happen may stop you from having to experience them yourself. Leaky Faucets are Often Caused by Damaged Parts The tiny drops of water escaping from your faucet may not seem like a big deal, but the truth is, those seemingly harmless drips can cost you significant amounts of money over time. One of the most common reasons for a leaky faucet is damaged parts. A steady drip is typically a sign of a worn out washer inside the tap. The seals inside are under a lot of pressure to keep the water in, and washers often become damaged as a result. With the help of commercial plumbing, you can likely have the drip resolved in no time. Water Pressure Problems Leaks that only occur during certain times of the day or when specific actions take place could indicate trouble with water pressure. Water pressure that is too high can prevent water from flowing away from a certain point, causing it to back up and leak out of another location, which is often a different faucet or overflow sink. A plumber may be able to resolve your pressure issues and stop leaks from occurring. Worn Out Cartridge Cartridge faucets feature handles that move up and down to turn the water on and off and left and right to control the temperature. These faucets will often leak when the cartridges inside of them become worn out. Fortunately, a company that provides help with commercial plumbing can replace the cartridge, which may stop the leak. Broken Plumbing Although not very common, broken pipes can sometimes cause leaky faucets. Pipes can develop cracks causing water to leak out into the area under the sink. However, if the crack causes problems with water pressure, the faucet connected to the break can leak. A plumber can inspect the pipes and replace or repair the affected parts. Birddog Plumbing Can Help Repair Leaky Faucets Birddog Plumbing,...
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3 Common Problems Plumbers in Longview TX Can Easily Repair

From the constant dripping of a leaky faucet and chronic toilet clogs to unappealing odors from your drains, plumbers in Longview TX can quickly repair these common plumbing problems. If you are a homeowner, these issues may seem overwhelming for you to understand and repair, but professional help is available. Dripping Faucet The annoying sound may wake you up at night or interfere with hearing the morning news, but a continuous dripping from your faucet also wastes a large amount of water. While the small drips may not seem like a lot, they can really add up. While shocking for many homeowners to learn, 4,000 drips of water will add up to one liter. Over time, this continuous dripping can add up to an enormous amount of waste, so repairing the issue quickly is imperative. In most cases, plumbers will stop the dripping by only replacing the O-ring in the faucet of your Longview TX home. After replacing the old, worn O-ring and tightening the faucet’s handle, you should not have any water dripping from the faucet. Clogged Toilet As a homeowner, you should have a plunger on hand already. However, a plunger should only be used for periodic clog removals. If your toilets clog up frequently, you may have a more involved issue that should be addressed. Your plumber will inspect the interior components of the toilet, ensuring all parts are in good working condition. Frequent clogs may stem from a misaligned valve cover inside the toilet tank. If the valve does not cover the opening completely after flushing, waste will not be able to move easily out of the toilet. If the valve is not covering properly, your plumber will need to replace the part to prevent further clogs. Foul Odors Unappealing odors lingering in your kitchen sink, bathroom, and shower or tub drains can also be an annoying issue for homeowners. Fortunately, these foul odors are usually not serious issues, so consider cleaning your drains with a pot of boiling water first. Pour the pot of boiling water directly into the smelly drain. Then, sprinkle a few teaspoons of baking soda into the drain. The hot water will rinse out any buildup or stubborn residue inside the drain while the baking soda absorbs any lingering odors. If the foul odors are still present after using the boiling water and baking soda, contact  professionals to test your...
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