5 Top Symptoms of Damaged Water Heaters in Longview TX

One of the best conveniences of the modern world is being able to access hot water whenever you want. There was a time when it took a long time to heat water over a wood burning stove. Today, you simply turn the faucet, and you have hot water at any time of the day or night. Having become so accustomed to easy access to hot water, it can be a real nuisance when your water heater has problems. There are several vital warning signs that your water heater may need some repair. Not Enough Hot Water A telltale sign that your water heater is in disrepair is not having enough hot water. Typical water heaters have a capacity ranging between thirty and fifty gallons. As the water in the tank heats up, the minerals in the water settle as sediment on the bottom. A buildup of minerals can prevent the heat from adequately heating the water. Over time, more and more water in the tank is left unheated. If you are experiencing insufficient amounts of hot water in your home, your water heater may need some repairs. Noises Banging and popping noises are not typical sounds that come from a water heater. Mineral buildup can also cause these noises. The excess minerals can lead to the overheating which causes the tank to make these sounds. If your hot water tank is making strange noises, have a service professional inspect it. Foul Smelling Hot Water Hot water that has a foul smell is a sign of a broken water heater. The minerals in the tank can create a metallic odor which flows through the pipes and faucets. If your hot water has a strange smell, schedule an appointment with a service professional as soon as possible. Temperature and Pressure Problems Every water heater has a safety valve built-in that can release excess pressure. If this valve is not working correctly, your water heater could explode. Your temperature and pressure valves should be inspected annually to ensure that they are operating correctly. Be sure to schedule a regular maintenance inspection with a reliable service professional. Tank Leaks Leaks coming from your tank are an obvious symptom of more significant problems with your water heater. These leaks can potentially flood your whole house.  If your water heater is leaking, contact your service professional immediately. For more information on water heaters in Longview...
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Plumbing Services Tips to Lower Hot Water Bills This Summer

There are many ways to save energy during the summer season. One of the quickest and easiest solutions, at no cost to you, is to lower the temperature of the water heater in your home.  Homeowners spend almost twenty percent of home energy usage on heating water. This expense is because the water heater not only heats the water but it keeps the water at a specific setting so that you can have access to hot water whenever you want it. Since most people are not looking to take hot baths or showers when the weather is warm, there is no need to keep the water heater setting as high as you might during colder months of the year. You can change your water heater settings to reflect your needs during the hot summer months. The amount of money you can save on your hot water bills will depend on several factors including the type of water heater you own, the size of the tank, and the amount of hot water you and your family use on a typical day. Generally speaking, you can lower your hot water bills by about 5% by reducing your temperature setting ten degrees. Changing your water heater settings is a relatively simple job. Water heaters come with a temperature dial. To lower the temperature on your heater, turn the dial down. To determine how much you want to reduce the heat, check the hot water from the tap that is furthest away from your heater. Fill a glass with water from the hot water tap. Be sure to give the faucet enough time to run until the water is at its highest temperature level. You can use a thermometer to measure the exact temperature of the water. Based on the temperature level, you can then decide how much you want to lower the setting. It will take about a full day for the reduction in water temperature to fully adjust. Remember, the heater keeps the tank hot, and the water inside it will already be at the higher temperature. It will take some time for the water in the tank cool to the new temperature. Bird Dog Plumbing understands that some people feel uncomfortable trying to adjust water heater settings and may need help to get the job done. Whether you are looking to save on your water heating bills, have problems with hot...
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Snap, Crackle, and Pop: Noisy Signs You Need Water Heater Repair

Your water heater is an important part of your home and family’s needs, so it is important to learn the signs that you are in need of water heater repair. While all appliances make noise during operation, loud snap, crackle, pop, and bangs coming from your water heater are signs of distress. Understanding the causes of these noises will help you know when and if it is time to call in the professionals to repair your water heater. Causes Of Snap, Crackle, and Pop The snap, crack, and popping noise from your water heater is most likely due to the buildup of sediment in the tank. Of course, you may be wondering what the residue is and how it came into your tank. As the water moves from your main water source into your home’s plumbing system, loose minerals will also run through your system and into the water heater’s tank. The sediment settles at the bottom of the tank heating and hardening over time. As the sediment heats and hardens, it will decrease the appliance’s ability to move heated water into the home. Your water heater will not work as efficiently, so you may notice an increase in energy and water bills. Also, the hardened sediment will cause your water heater to make unusual sounds, such as the loud banging, snapping, popping, and crackling. Flushing Treatment and Repairs The sediment in the water heater tank is not necessarily dangerous to your water or your health, but it can harm the actual appliance. If the hardened sediment stays in the water heater over an extended period, the constant heating may cause the tank to crack, leaking water in your home and decreasing the water heater’s basic function. Even small water leaks can add up to a great deal of waste and costly water damage. Thankfully, flushing the tank is effective for restoring the water heater back to an efficient and functional state. If you are noticing these loud noises, contact your plumber for water heater repair that includes a complete flushing of the tank. Many homeowners are capable of flushing the tank on their own. However, your plumber will conduct a detailed inspection that will help reduce the risk of a complete water heater failure. Your water heater should not be making a snap, crackle, pop, or bang. If you hear these unusual sounds, contact the professionals at Bird...
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When To Call For A Water Heater Repair If You Suspect a Leak

Cold weather is on its way to East Texas and the last thing you want to have to worry about is a water heater repair.  Unfortunately, there are a number of things that can go wrong with a water heater that will require a repair or a replacement of the whole unit.  If you don’t seem to have as much hot water as you need or there’s water on the floor around your water heater, you may have a leak, which is one of the more common water heater problems.  Here are some of the reasons your water heater may be leaking and how to know if they mean you’ll need a water heater repair: Condensation If your water heater is new, it may leak for a few days after installation.  Often a new water heater sits in a warehouse for a length of time before making its way to your home.  During that time, humidity can accumulate inside the insulated lining of the tank and once the unit is connected, heated and filled with water, this humidity is released – resulting in a small puddle on your garage floor.  However, water on the floor after the first couple of days could be a sign of a problem that your installer should be notified about. Leaking Plumbing Connections Take a look at the plumbing connections on the top and bottom of the tank.  Use a dry rag or paper towel to wrap around connection points to see if water is seeping out.  If you find that it is and you feel brave enough to retighten or replace connectors, make sure you unplug the unit first and turn off the water inlet.  For most people, this kind of repair can be daunting and it can also void a warranty so proceed with caution.  Always make sure you have a plumber you trust on call in case you can’t fix the problem yourself. Leaking Pressure-Relief Valve The pressure-relief valve, or T&P valve, is a safety feature on all water tanks that allows for the release of water when the pressure gets too high inside the tank.  The T&P is almost always clearly marked on the unit, either with a stamp on the metal body of the tank reading, “T&P Valve,” or with a warning tag or both.  It’s also designed with a pipe that directs water away from the heater.  If...
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Water heater Repair Longview TX Offers Tankless Replacements

From replacing loose roofing shingles to a water heater repair in Longview TX, there are an overwhelming number of tasks necessary to clean and maintain your home. These tasks are essential for your home’s appeal, function, and value, but you may not be placing enough emphasis on your plumbing. Considering the average lifespan of a traditional water heater is about 10 years, you may need a complete replacement. Fortunately, replacing with a tankless model offers numerous benefits. Energy Efficiency A standard model water heater uses energy continuously, whether you are using hot water or not, but a tankless model only uses energy when it is necessary. This reduces your home’s total energy usage, benefiting the environment and reducing your monthly energy bills. In homes with 4 or more people, tankless water heaters can save an estimated $95 per year. This may not seem like a large savings, but it can really add up over time. Hot Water Washing dishes, doing laundry, bathing, and showering all require a supply of hot water. Unfortunately, homes with traditional water heaters will most likely run out of this hot water. While common, the lack of hot water can be a problem in homes with larger families. To reduce this problem, water heater repair in Longview TX can replace a standard model with a tankless unit, increasing your supply of hot water. This benefit may seem surprising considering the reduction in energy, but tankless water heaters ensure you and your family never run out of hot water. Smaller Size Standard water heaters are large, bulky appliances that may take up a portion of a closet or garage. A new tankless water heater is smaller and thinner. Contractors can mount your tankless model to a small section of a wall, increasing your storage space. Lifespan As a homeowner, you do not want to continue investing money in water heaters. Thankfully, a tankless water heater has a longer lifespan compared to the standard models. In most cases, tankless units will last twice as long as a standard unit. Home Value Millions of homeowners will need to sell their homes for varying reasons. Since the majority of potential buyers prefer homes with eco-friendly, energy-efficient upgrades, a tankless water heater will be an appealing option to these buyers. The cost of a tankless model may seem expensive, but it will add tremendous value to your home. Due to...
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